
Meeloopdag - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Violence


Universiteit Leiden

Tijd: 10:30 - 14:00 uur
  • Inschrijven verplicht
  • Voltijd
  • Deeltijd
  • Duaal
  • Orienteren
  • Verkennen
  • Verdiepen
  • Beslissen

Are you interested in the MSc Crisis and Security Management (CSM), specialisation Governance of Violence? Do you want to know more about what it is like to follow this master’s programme at Leiden University? Be a CSM Student for a Day! You can sign up till 4 March (max. 15 students) Take part in a Student for a Day at MSc Crisis and Security Management If you decide to join this Student for a Day event, you: * attend a lecture of the course 'Violent Societies' by Dr. Martín di Marco & Dr. Jolien van Breen; * meet the student ambassador Emma Spinelli; * will have the possibility to ask all your questions about Crisis and Security Management, specialisation Governance of Violence.

Aanmelden voor open dag

Meer informatie

Lees meer over deze open dag op de site van Universiteit Leiden


  • Universiteit Leiden
  • Rapenburg 70
  • 2311 EZ LEIDEN