KU Leuven, Leuven

Bachelor of Engineering Technology


About this programme

Graduates in Engineering Technology need to be all-rounders who are multi-deployable. Therefore, a polyvalent and generic engineering training is crucial. The renewed programme offers a solid engineering basis which you can always fall back on. The programme offers a broad introduction to mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology. In addition, you will immerse yourself in typical engineering disciplines such as computer science, graphic techniques and project skills. You will learn to think and act critically. You will also develop skills in the field of management, communication and teamwork. The academic bachelor's programme consists of 3 programme stages. The entire programme covers 180 ECTS. The first bachelor's stage covers generic engineering training for all students. It consists of basic sciences, introductions to various technologies, a number of broadening courses and the projects of the Engineering Experience. The generic engineering training partly continues in the second and third bachelor's stage. In the second stage of the programme, you select a specialisation. In the third bachelor's stage, you choose a specific option within your specialisation.

Is this programme a good fit for you?

  • You want to develop and implement innovative ideas, as well as improve old ones.
  • You have an entrepreneurial mindset and you want to find solutions to real-life challenges.
  • You have an interest in science and technology.
  • You like to work in team and want to develop excellent communication and management skills.
  • You want to explore the impact of technology on the environment, people and society.

In order to start the Bachelor of Engineering Technology, you need a certain amount of prior knowledge in mathematics and chemistry. You can prepare yourself and check whether you have sufficient knowledge of these subjects by taking some optional self tests. These self-tests are not intended to assess whether you are suited to study at Group T Leuven Campus, they only indicate whether it is recommended to update your knowledge of maths and chemistry.

This programme is available in Leuven. Curious? Check out the engineering technology programme.


Voor Bachelor of Engineering Technology is geen numerus fixus van toepassing.

Valt onder de studie

Numerus fixus
Plaats in Nederland
Soort opleiding

Er zijn geen open dagen gevonden
