Wie leert computers om met data om te gaan? Precies, experts op het gebied van Data Science en Artificial Intelligence (AI). Data Science en AI zijn nauw met elkaar verbonden. Data Science vertrouwt steeds meer op AI om patronen in data te vinden. Omgekeerd vertrouwt AI op datawetenschap om de omgeving te begrijpen en slimme keuzes te maken. Dus, als je in één van beide disciplines wilt uitblinken, heb je kennis van beide nodig. Dat is precies wat je tijdens de bacheloropleiding Data Science and Artificial Intelligence leert.
We leiden als sinds 1987 studenten op tot succesvolle computerwetenschappers. Wil je meer weten over Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Kijk dan op onze website!
Camille Bouvy, bachelor's student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Today, I am proud when I look back at all the things I have already learned and achieved'
Tobias Oberkofler, bachelor's student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'So if you are all about pure mathematics, maybe a different program is a better fit'
Paula Gitu, bachelor's student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'The professors are very accessible to communication and seem dedicated to their program '
Julián R. Marrades Furquet, bachelor’s student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'This will make you a properly trained data scientist'
Nina Krommedijk, bachelor's student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'DKE taught me to be curious and that there is always a different perspective you can use'
Jurriaan Berger, alumnus BSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Besides your studies there are a lot of associations and activities where you can go!'
Paul Disbeschl, master's student Data Science for Decision Making and alumnus BSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'It was DKE’s unique community which led me to not want to apply anywhere else'
Daniel Kaestner, master's student Data Science for Decision Making
'The small scale of the programme allows the professors to adjust to the class'
Frederik Calsius, master's student Artificial Intelligence
'We learn about robotics, game AI and general machine learning methods'
Coen Hacking, alumnus MSc Data Science for Decision Making and BSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'The teachers are friendly and the staff is personal, which encourages you to succeed'
Marcell Ignéczi - alumnus Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'De theoretische kennis die ik opdeed, had ik niet tijdens mijn werk kunnen leren.'