Verdiep je in de wereld van kunst en cultuur vanuit verschillende invalshoeken, waaronder sociologie, economie, politiek en media;
Ontdek hoe kunst wordt geproduceerd en gepresenteerd door o.a. theaters, musea en festivals;
Onderzoek hoe kunst wordt beleefd en gewaardeerd door het publiek, en de invloed van nieuwe media hierop;
Ontwikkel een diepgaand begrip van de organisatiestructuren binnen de culturele sector en krijg inzicht in de sociaaleconomische en politieke contexten die kunst en cultuur stimuleren;
Niet alleen de inhoud van de bachelor is internationaal. Je studeert in een internationale omgeving, omringd door studenten en docenten van diverse achtergronden en nationaliteiten;
Zet de bachelor naar je eigen hand door het kiezen van een focus area, het volgen van een stage en de keuze voor een minor of studeren in het buitenland.
Wist je dat…
Je met Natuur & Gezondheid en Natuur & Techniek ook toelaatbaar bent.
Het mogelijk is om IBACS te combineren met een opleiding aan de kunstacademie of het conservatorium in Rotterdam tijdens de 5-jarige Dual Degree in Arts and Sciences.
Je in jaar twee je theoretische kennis gelijk in de praktijk kan brengen tijdens een stage. Dit is ook een mooie kans om alvast aan je professionele netwerk te bouwen.
Studeren in Rotterdam nooit saai is? Van de culturele scene tot het bruisende studentenleven, er is altijd iets te beleven en te ontdekken!
“The IBACS programme instantly drew my attention with the wide coverage of courses, as my plan was not to become a specialized or professional artist.”
Hui Shan Zhou
Student International Bachelor Arts and Culture
“As it is an international course, I learn new perspectives on the world every day. IBACS is an open community where I get to enjoy the experience of studying abroad, while still studying in my home country.”
Eeske Kuipers
Student International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
When deciding on where to go after high school I looked at which experiences of high school I had enjoyed most. These were my art, art history, and Spanish classes, as well as the trips abroad. Slightly scared to admit it, I knew my future would lie in the art world. Creating, designing, and drawing had always been my passion, so initially I turned to the art academy. I was convinced that studying at a university was not for me. I was very wrong!
Double Degree in Arts and Science (RASL)
As much as I loved to work with my hands, I was missing more of a challenge in the theoretical aspect. Through researching my options, I learned of the RASL double degree, where I could combine both the practical and the theoretical aspect of studying art. IBACS turned out to be the perfect solution. As it teaches me about the whole world that exists around the production and the consumption of art. Studying art from the historical, economic and sociological perspective helps me understand the industry and teaches me how to find my own path in it.
An open community
What I enjoy most about IBACS is the great atmosphere between both students, tutors and lecturers. As it is an international course, I learn new perspectives on the world every day. In an open commu¬nity where I get to enjoy the experience of studying abroad, while still studying in my home country. Additionally, Rotterdam offers a great amount of cultural activities and I have recognised many of the examples from class within one bike ride through the city.
“For me, IBACS is freedom, creativity, passion. Here, you never cease to dive into art in all its forms and manifestations. From art throughout the centuries to art in economics, each new course has something to surprise you with, and this is the best part of IBACS”
Julia Baraban
Student International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
My journey to IBACS has been a long one. But it all comes down to this – I have traveled from Canada to the Netherlands for this programme because I knew that it would give me precisely the thing I was searching for – the ability to express myself.
Freedom, Creativity, Passion
For me, IBACS is freedom, creativity and passion. Here, you never cease to dive into art in all its forms and manifestations. From art throughout the centuries to art in economics, each new course has something to surprise you with, and this is the best part of IBACS – it always keeps you striving for more knowledge.
Pursue Your Interests
I have welcomed IBACS into my life with an open mind and heart, so I didn’t encounter any struggles with it in my first year. However, the only thing I have to say is – be brave enough to pursue your interests. Arts and Culture programme gives you the means, you only have to use them. Communicate with your fellow students, strike up discussions with professors, choose essay topics that really speak out to you. Remember, you are the only person who decides what your university experience will be like!