KU Leuven, Brussel

Bachelor of Business Administration


About this programme

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration prepares you to find your way in an increasingly complex business environment. Globalisation has extended markets far beyond national borders and technology keeps global commerce moving 24 hours a day. Some products and services become increasingly complex, while others are becoming obsolete. Consumers demand prompt and customized service at the best price. Businesses require complex networks of distribution. These are just some examples of the issues you will address as a student in the Business Administration programme.

Is this programme a good fit for you?

Today’s managers often use mathematical models to describe reality in a logical way. The language of mathematics provides powerful tools to define and explore such models. Moreover, by learning this language, you will develop skills like recognizing structure and systematic problem-solving. Your mathematics knowledge will be applied in courses like statistics, finance and econometrics. Learn what prior knowledge is required and how we can help you to become successful in mathematics. Assess your mathematical skills by means of our free test! Just fill in the online form to get started.

This programme is available in Brussels. Curious? Check out the business administration programme.


Voor Bachelor of Business Administration is geen numerus fixus van toepassing.

Valt onder de studie

Numerus fixus
Plaats in Nederland
Soort opleiding

Er zijn geen open dagen gevonden
