De mix van natuur-, sociale – en technologische wetenschappen geeft je een compleet beeld van de samenhang tussen mens en milieu.
Je onderzoekt milieukwesties vanaf een campus waar we al meer dan 100 jaar kennis verzamelen en toepassen. Er ligt een schat aan mogelijkheden op je te wachten!
Jouw kennis draagt direct bij aan een duurzamere toekomst van de planeet en het internationale netwerk van WUR kan je helpen wereldwijd impact te maken.
“I’ve always been intrigued with the environment and had a strong desire to make a positive impact. That is why I choose to study at Wageningen University & Research” Explains Yejin (22 years old) from South-Korea.
Passion and WUR
“When I was young, I always heard advertisements from the government that we had to be careful with our water usage. During primary school, my class often went to a lake where there was a water cleaning system. That system truly fascinated me.”
“I always knew I wanted to study something related to the environment and that I was fascinated by water. However, I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to dive into a career solely focused on water. When I came across WUR, their Environmental Sciences program with the option for water treatment specialisation instantly grabbed my attention. This was the perfect programme with a broad approach and with the opportunity to specialise in water treatment.”
“I love the size of Wageningen. In comparison to Seoul, it is so much easier to make friends here!”
Living in Wageningen
“For me it was a big change to live in Wageningen. I used to live in the capital of South-Korea. But I have to say that I love the size of Wageningen. In comparison to Seoul, it is so much easier to make friends here! Almost every student lives in Wageningen, and everyone wants to hang out with friends in their free time.”
“What I especially like is talking to like-minded students who are also enthusiastic about the environment. In our free time my friends and I often experiment with vegan recipes. In this way I discovered many new and delicious recipes.”
After my studies
“I am ambitious; I want to graduate for my master’s and probably also my PhD. I like to specialise in water treatment through a master’s degree, potentially in the Netherlands, Germany, or Belgium. My goal is to develop better ways to purify polluted water, with the aim of making clean and safe water accessible to everyone, no matter where they live.”
Tip when choosing a programme
“If you are not sure where your passions lay. I would advise you to choose a broader and more general study like Environmental Sciences. If you already strongly feel what you are passionate about, then choose a more focused programme.”