Alexander Bayer
“I moved from Germany to the Netherlands to study International Business Management in Rotterdam. I wanted to learn more about how to set up your own business, but IBM turned out to involve a lot of maths, so it wasn't really for me. I dropped out of the degree programme during the first semester and went to work for a while on social media marketing at a webshop. In marketing, you have to know how to get through to your audience, so I started looking for a degree programme focused on the future, something new. Media Studies really grabbed my interest! It’s a completely new programme and I have to say it’s exceeded my expectations. What I really like about Media Studies is learning about the information era in which we live and how powerful and influential the media are. For example, we don’t choose what news we read any more – instead, we have apps that do that for us. In the “social lab” we analyse our own media use, which makes us all the more aware of the media’s influence. To study Media Studies, the most important things are to be a critical thinker, to not just take what you see in the media as fact and to be able to think outside the box.”